Dear Family,
This week has been a crazy week. So now I'm with my new companion, Elder Sauceda from Honduras.
He has 3 months out in the field and is way cool. He has 7 siblings.
He is number 5 and he and all the younger siblings are members with his Mom. His older siblings aren't members.
He has 6 brothers and 1 sister. The sister is younger then him and is a member. He was baptized when he was 12.
He is the first to go on a mission in his family. His parents are divorced and his dad lives in New York.
I'm doing really good. We played soccer today but I decided not to because both my big toe nails are turning blue from playing soccer!
I think I'm going to lose them both. They don't hurt though so that's good.
Just to clear up a few thing from my last letter. A Carnet is a chilean ID card you have to have if you are going to live here for more than 6 months.
They are only good for a year. A capacitation is just missionary training. We have special capacitations every change. Totally normal.
Well we had something cool this past week we had the Celebration of Missionaries being in Chile for 50 years. It was way fun.
We got to go to a Stadium outside of our mission and participate with 4 other missions. It was way fun. And we got to sing "I'll go where you want me to go"!
The Area Presidency was there and everything. I also got to see some of the Elders I met in the MTC. I am sending some pictures!
The halfway mark is this Sunday.
Well I'm sorry but this week this letter is a little short. I hope you guys have a awesome week.
Elder Holton

Me and my new companion Elder Sauceda

Fifty Years of Missionaries in Chile! It was a Celebration!!

The Area Authority came!!